Sunday, September 2, 2012

3 Month Post Op with the Besties

I have a blog post pre-op from back in May right before my surgery.   I promised to post a picture with my girls several months later to see if there was a difference from the Photo Gallery named "the bitches".       

May 12th, 2012 Pre-Surgery

August 29th, 2012 3 months Post-Op

Overall I have lost 34.7 lbs and several inches from my neck, arms, waist, hips, legs and even calfs. 

HELP:   {i need to insert this on my Blog under STATS if anyone knows how to insert Excel Spreadsheet, please share the knowledge}.

WHAT UP PLAYER!!!!!!!!!!!   I guess I'm in this.

I would consider the weight loss portion of my journey just about half way done.    I origianlly set out to loose 75 lbs and am not adjusting that goal for now.   

The Good 

Proops to me who has not missed a work-out and even recently added "boot-camp" on Saturday mornings to my routine.    That has been a real struggle because of the weather, its freaking hott at 10:30 am with the sun beating down on you.   That in itself is completely out of my comfort zone.   

The Bad

I need to be better with my food choices, I tend to eat what I want but a small portion.    This is working, but it is slow moving on the scale, and is not going to help me in the long run with maintenance.  

I MUST CHANGE MY TASTE this is my next written goal in this Journey.

I am going to try and eat healthy and work toward a well balanced plate of food.


Try new things.   How about these!      WOWZA tried them and LOVE.    Highly recommend my new favorite lunch.   


  1. Changing your taste buds is no easy feet. I do find that making a big batch of something at the weekend and dipping into it through the week really helps.
    I've tried pulled pork, chicken casserole, vegetable quiche, soup with quinoa, roast meats, and fruit salad.

  2. I wish it were easier to change your taste buds... mine demand pizza, etc. I have to physically remove myself from its presence (or devour half like I did this weekend). Sigh.

    I see a huge difference in the pictures! :)

  3. love morning star stuff...I'll do the morning star version of breaded chix breast and I'll put a little dollop of light mayo and have some sliced tomatoes with it...I don't even miss the bun. It has a nice amount of protein too. I'm with you in changing the taste buds thing...but I do know when I fall off the cheeto wagon, I don't like the way my tummy, body or emotions feel so it becomes easier to make changes because of that....AND congrats on the awesome weight loss and the lost inches (I use the table on Word and put my info in that format because excel is just too much for me).

  4. Look at you! I can totally see a difference! Your face, arms, legs... I SEE IT! So cool to see that work pay off huh? You are one fierce biotch and you are rocking and rollin!

  5. I LOVE morningstar too! I eat those with spicy mustard...mmm.

    You look "longer" in pic two...neck, torso, etc. :-)
